Redefining the reference librarian in the university environment




reference librarian, digital services, bibliometrics, academic libraries, library marketing, Romania


The reference librarian and the services provided hold more than ever the attention of users at the “Dun?rea de Jos” University Library of Galati (DJULG). The Internet, technology and struggle for survival left a significant mark on both librarians' skills and reference services in the new context of the information society. In order to align with new trends in librarianship and to respond effectively to the increasingly complex demands of users, the reference librarians had to move beyond the traditional and reinvent themselves. As a result, new skills have been acquired and new services emerged in the information landscape of the university library.

The paper examines the evolution of the reference services at DJULG over the last ten years, emphasizing the changes of the librarian profile in this area. The variety of information sources, the emergence of new information technologies, the movement on open access have been the main elements that contributed to the professional development of the reference librarian and the implementation of new models of services for users. The case of the university library in this study reveals different profiles of the reference librarian: researcher, educator in information literacy, bibliometrician, wikilibrarian, digital resources manager, reference manager etc. Not far from the truth, we can say that the reference librarian became a chameleon, from the perspective of information evolution and ensuring sustainable library services.


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How to Cite

Ursachi, L. (2021). Redefining the reference librarian in the university environment. Revista Română De Biblioteconomie și Știința Informării = Romanian Journal of Library and Information Science, 16(2), 1–11.



New library projects and services