Scientometric analysis of 3D printing in libraries, and implications for copyright




3D printing is a process whereby users can create a three-dimensional solid object of any shape by operating a 3D printer using a digital design, thereby creating their own designs or replicate and electronically customize scanned objects. The technology has existed for several decades; however, it was not until around 1990 it really gained momentum (Van Wiele, 2019). In this paper the authors investigated research on 3D printing in libraries and copyright through a scientometric analysis, by searching in Web of Science for libraries, 3D printing and copyright. The data was mapped in WoS-viewer, to show the most important authors, the most cited documents, and the most cited sources. 107 results from WoS Core Collection for “3D printing” AND copyright was found. Also, the authors researched library websites in Norway for guidelines and rules concerning copyright and 3D printing. Norwegian copyright law does not mention 3D printing as such, so how are academic and public libraries teaching or mentoring copyright issues to patrons and students?

Author Biography

Angela Repanovici, "Transilvania" University of Brașov

Profesor universitar
Departamentul Design de produs, mecatronică și mediu
Facultatea Design de produs și mediu

Sisteme de informare, inginerie și management,
inginerie medicală,
știința informării.


D Printing and Copyright - Copyright - LibGuides at University of South Florida Libraries, n.d.

The Copyright Act (in Norwegian)

Draghici A., Lovasz A. & Bursasiu S. (2021). A Debate on Re-engineering the University Library System, In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy (ICISIL 2021)

Hou, J., Kim, D,, Ahn, W., and Lee, H: (2018) Copyright Protections of Digital Content in the Age of 3D Printer: Emerging Issues and Survey. IEEEAccess

Gastinger, A. and Landoy, A. (2018): Copyright Literacy Skills of LIS Students in Norway Microsoft Word - ECIL2018_234-dm-edited (002).docx (

Mæhlum, L.: 3D printing in Store norske leksikon at Retrieved 24 July 2022 from

Todorova, T.Y., Kurbanoglu, S., Boustany, J., Dogan, G., Saunders, L., Horvat, A., Terra, A.L., Landøy, A., Repanovici, A., Morrison, C., Vanderkast, E.J.S., Secker, J., Rudzioniene, J., Kortelainen, T. and Koltay, T. (2017), Information professionals and copyright literacy: a multinational study, Library Management, Vol. 38 No. 6/7, pp. 323-344.

Van Wiele, B. (2019). Intellectual Property and Consumer 3D Printing University of Cape Town.




How to Cite

Barsan, M., Landoy, A., Barsan, I. M., & Repanovici, A. (2022). Scientometric analysis of 3D printing in libraries, and implications for copyright. Revista Română De Biblioteconomie și Știința Informării = Romanian Journal of Library and Information Science, 18(2), 25–34.