Vol. 13 No. 4 (2017)

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The usage of new wide-spread de-acidification methods of info-documentary collections represents a very fresh scientific concern, due to the massive loss of info-documents from the great libraries, archives and museums around the world (V. Deac, I. Burz, A. Deac)

The trade of librarian has undergone spectacular changes becoming one of the most complex professions. If it has long been seen as a humane profession, the last decades have shown it is seen more and more as a socio-technical profession since it needs mandatory library and information science competencies, communication competencies, computer skills, language skills, as well as general knowledge from the most diverse fields. (E. Tîrziman)

The two ancient libraries are a starting point in the evolution of libraries. They are also landmarks and symbols for what buildings meant to host libraries should be like. (M. Borcoman)

Published: 2018-03-20

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